Explain the fact that triethylammonium chloride ((ch 3ch 2) 3n-hcl) is more soluble in water than is triethylamine ((ch 3ch 2) 3n)

The positive charge on the N atom in triethylammonium chloride is more polar than the uncharged N atom in triethylamine which is responsible for it being more soluble in water.

What is Solubility?

This is defined as the amount of solutes which is dissolved in a solvent such as water and is based on different factors such as temperature, surface area etc.

The positive charge on the N atom in triethylammonium chloride is more polar than the uncharged N atom in triethylamine which makes it more polar thereby increasing its interactions with water.

This leads to an increased solubility and is therefore the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Solubility here brainly.com/question/23946616


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