Lucia is playing with magnetic toy vehicles. She has two identical toy vehicles (purple and pink) that start on opposite sides of a center magnet that cannot move. She moves both vehicles one space closer to the center magnet.How did the potential energy of the two vehicles change? Did the potential energy of one vehicle change more than the other? Why do you think so?

The change in the potential energy of the cars would be the same since they started moving from the same position.

What is potential energy?

The potential energy is the energy that is possessed by a body by virtue of its position. We know that when we move the object from one point to the other, the potential energy of the object would vary.

Now we have Lucia has two identical toy vehicles (purple and pink) that start on opposite sides of a center magnet that cannot move. She moves both vehicles one space closer to the center magnet. Let us note that the potential energy would begin to change as the cars begin to move from one point to another.

We have to note that the positions of the vehicles are the same and this would imply that the changes in the potential energy of the vehicles would be the same.

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