A new mother has been reluctant to hold her newborn. Which action by the nurse would help promote this mother's attachment to her newborn?A. allowing the mother to pick the best time to hold her newborn

b. talking about how the nurse held her own newborn while on the birthing table

c. bringing the newborn into the room

d. showing a video of parents feeding their babies

By bringing the newborn into the room the nurse would help promote this mother's attachment to her newborn.

During the first postpartum hour, nurses and childbirth educators can promote the maternal-newborn bond by encouraging skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, eye contact, and newborn massage.

Bonding and attachment occur when newborns are consistently shown love, warmth, and care. When newborns want to connect with you, they use body language.

Nurses who encouraged nurturing actions and contact, such as touching, talking, singing, comforting, changing nappies, feeding, turning their infant, and responding to behavioral cues, for example, were found to be critical in the development of mother-infant attachment.

To learn more about post natal care, here



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