According to the center for disease control, being physically active lowers your risk for developing several common cancers. Adults who participate in greater amounts of physical activity have reduced risks of developing cancers of the?.

According to the center for disease control, being physically active lowers your risk of developing several common cancers. Adults who participate in greater amounts of physical activity have reduced risks of developing cancers of the bladder, lungs, and kidneys.

Being consistent in exercise helps a person not only maintain his physical health but also his mental health. Scientists have proved that lower risks for cancers such as bladder, lungs, kidney etc can be achieved through regular exercise.

Regular physical activity helps to keep our hormones in check and helps to maintain weight and sex hormones hence lowering the risk of causing cancer.

Regular exercise helps keep in check the breathing hence lowering the risk of lung cancer.

It stimulates the body to remove toxins helping to lower the risk of kidney cancer.

To learn more about cancer, click here:


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