Review your models of matter and energy transformations from pca cellular respiration and pca photosynthesis. Which molecule, made by the light reactions in plants, could be used by cellular respiration in some bacteria?.

Review your models of matter and energy transformations from pca cellular respiration and pca photosynthesis. Oxygen made by the light reactions in plants, could be used by cellular respiration in some bacteria

By converting light energy into chemical energy through a process called photosynthesis, plants and other living things can subsequently release that chemical energy to power their activities. Green plants use photosynthesis to create their own sustenance by utilising sunlight. For life to exist on Earth, photosynthesis is required. Animals wouldn't exist without it because there wouldn't be any green plants. Photosynthesis' main job is to transform solar energy into chemical energy and then store that chemical energy for later use. The majority of the planet's biological systems are propelled by this process. By human engineering standards, it isn't very effective, but it gets the job done. Light energy is transformed into chemical energy in the form of sugars through a process called photosynthesis. Water and carbon dioxide are converted into glucose (or other sugars) in a process that is fueled by light energy, with oxygen being produced as a byproduct.

Learn more about photosynthesis here:


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