What are three types of consumers and how are they different


Primary consumer are herbivores

Secondary consumer are carnivores

Tertiary consumer

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The three sorts of consumers in the animal kingdom are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.

i. Carnivores eat only meat.

ii. Herbivores eat only plants, while

iii. omnivores have to consume both plants and meat to satisfy their dietary requirements.

Generally speaking, the citizenry is an omnivore. they have both plants and meat to survive. However, there are those that choose not to consume meat. they're called vegetarians.

Samples of herbivores are cows and sheep, which have unique digestive systems capable of breaking down the material.

Carnivores usually eat herbivores, and an example of those meat-eating animals is wolves. Some insects also can be carnivores, like the dragonfly, which hunts other insects for food.

Learn more about types of carnivores at:brainly.com/question/17944130

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