Why did the work of Lewis Hines in the early 1900s have a long-term impact on the fashion industry?A.

The world found out that cotton is not biodegradable.


More people discovered that in years past, slaves made cotton cloth.


More people realized that children were making cotton cloth.


The world found out about the chemicals cotton manufacturers used.

The work of Lewis Hines in the early 1900s have a long-term impact on the fashion industry because more people realized that children were making cotton cloth. The Option C is correct.

What was Lewis Hine impact in U.S.?

Lewis Hine, was a New York schoolteacher and photographer who believed that a picture could tell a powerful story. He felt strong about the abuse of children as workers that he quit his teaching job and became an investigative photographer for the National Child Labor Committee.

He traveled around the country photographing the working conditions of children in all types of industries. He photographed the children in coal mines, in meatpacking houses in textile mills, and in canneries. He also took pictures of children working in the streets as shoe shiners, newsboys and hawkers

Read more about Lewis Hines



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