New school is distinguished by what musical characteristic(s)? all of the answers are correct, use of a live band, dense texture, electronic sounds,

The new college became characterized via way of means of drum system led minimalism, regularly tinged with factors of rock. It comprised rapping taunts, boasts, and socio-political remark brought in an aggressive, self-assertive style.

The required details for New school hip hop in given paragraph

The new college of hip hop became a motion in hip hop music, starting in 1983–eighty four with the early information of Run–D.M.C. and LL Cool J. Like the previous hip hop, it got here predominantly from New York City. The new college became characterized via way of means of drum system led minimalism, regularly tinged with factors of rock. It comprised rapping taunts, boasts, and socio-political remark brought in an aggressive, self-assertive style.  In tune and photograph its artists projected a tough, cool, street b-boy attitude.

These factors contrasted sharply with funk and disco, novelty hits, stay bands, synthesizers and celebration rhymes of artists regular within side the early Nineteen Eighties, as a consequence rendering them antique college.

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