Which latin american countries have people of african american decent?

  • This is in contrast to countries like Brazil and Colombia that lay out the constitutional rights of their African-descendant population.

A constitutional proper may be a prerogative or a duty, electricity, or a restraint of power, diagnosed and set up with the aid of a sovereign nation or union of states.

constitutional rights can be expressly stipulated in a country-wide constitution, or they may be inferred from the language of a country-wide constitution, which is the best law of the land, which means that legal guidelines that contradict it are considered unconstitutional and invalid.

Commonly, any charter defines the structure, functions, powers, and boundaries of the country-wide authorities and the character freedoms, rights, and responsibilities a good way to be included and enforced whilst wished by using the country-wide authorities. nowadays, most international locations have a written charter comprising similar or distinct constitutional rights.

learn more about  constitutional rights here;  brainly.com/question/9515546


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