Which section of the dsm-5 contains information about relational problems, problems related to abuse and neglect, as well as housing problems?

In the section "Adjustment disorder" of the DSM-5 contains information about relational problems, problems related to abuse and neglect, as well as housing problems.

What is Adjustment disorders?

An adjustment disorder is a person's emotional or behavioral response to a stressful event and change in their life. Within three months of the event or change, the response is regarded as an unhealthful or excessive response.

Some key features regarding the Adjustment disorders are-

  • Adjustment disorders are most commonly diagnosed in youngsters and adolescents, however they can affect adults as well.
  • Depending on the way the disorder manifests, the symptoms of adjustment disorders differ.
  • Adjustment disorder could be accompanied by anxiety, depression, emotional and behavioral disturbances, or a combination of these symptoms.
  • Adjustment disorder can be diagnosed by a children and youth psychiatrist or a qualified mental health professional.
  • Individual psychotherapy, family therapy, or peer group therapy may be used to treat adjustment disorders, depending on a variety of factors.

To know more about the Adjustment disorders, here



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