Use the drop-down menus to complete each sentence. anika decides that it is better to not use the website that requires her to upload a song before downloading the one she wants. this a good choice because . if anika decides to stream the video from the band’s website during her presentation, she needs to .

Anika must give credit to the source and note that file sharing is illegal if she chooses to broadcast the music video from the band's website during her presentation.

Is it criminal to be illegal?

In contrast, every action that is classified as a criminal conduct is always prohibited; not every criminal behavior is illegal. For instance, exceeding the speed limit while driving is prohibited but not criminal.

What actions are illegal?

Any behavior that violates the law is considered illegal, and this includes any anti-competitive or collusive behavior that is outlawed by rules or laws such as the Commerce Act of 1986, the Fair Trading Act of 1986, and any statutes that were subsequently passed in their place.

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