What contributed to how the south remained so different from the north? multiple select question. southerners typically did not see the value in new manufactured goods. while the agricultural economy of the northeast had declined, that of the south was booming. most wealthy southerners had invested their capital in northern and european manufacturing rather than in developing the southern economy. the southern economy was tied to a culture that celebrated the wealth of planters and viewed slavery as a benevolent institution

The reason that contributed to how the south remained so different from the north was because the southern economy was tied to a culture that celebrated the wealth of planters and viewed slavery as a benevolent institution. The Option D is correct.

What was the southern economy like?

The economy of the south relied on over 4 million African American slaves to grow cotton and along with a number of other staple crops across the region. The grown cotton fed the textile mills of America and Europe and brought great wealth to the region.

During this period, while the agricultural economy of the Northeast had declined, that of the South economy was booming.

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