Olivia is the owner of an interior designing firm. She has a tight-knit group of designers working for her. The designers have different working styles, but they work effectively as a team. In the given scenario, Olivia and her employees display _____A) surface-level diversity

B) educational diversity

C) deep-level diversity

D) religious diversity


C. deep-level diversity


Deep-level diversity is a type of diversity among individuals that is not easily observable, and includes traits such as working styles, values, beliefs, cognitive, or decision-making styles. These are usually psychological. These traits are less observable.

According to the information given in the question above about the Olivia and her employees, we can infer that Olivia and her employee display deep-level diversity, as the designers have traits that are not easily observable such as the different working styles they have while they still work effectively together as a team.

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