If all direct materials are added at the end of the production​ process, and the units have made it​ 50% of the way through the production​ process, then the percentage completion for direct materials is.

The percentage completion for direct materials is 100% if all direct materials are added at the conclusion of the manufacturing process and the units have completed 50% of the production process.

The manufacturing process is converting unfinished things from raw materials or pieces using tools, labor, machinery, and chemical processing. Before the Industrial Revolution, the majority of goods were created by hand using human labor and simple instruments.

Direct material refers to the tangible components that make up a product. For instance, flour, eggs, yeast, sugar, oil, and water are direct materials for a baker. Cost accounting uses the concept of direct material to categorize this cost independently for various forms of financial analysis.

The complete question of this answer is given below:

If all direct materials are added at the beginning of the production process, and the units have made it 50% of the way through the production process, then the percentage completion for direct materials is

A. 0%

B. 100%

C. 50%

D. none of the above.

To learn more about direct materials



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