Yesterday, you purchased 5 pens and 12 folders. what if the price of pens rose by $3 and the price of folders declined by $2? with your income unchanged and prices for other goods remaining the same, what actions would you most likely take?

The consequences will be that I will purchase less quantity of pens and more quantity of folders.

In the beginning, I purchased 5 pens and 12 folders. Let's assume that the cost of Pens is $x and cost of folders is $y. Now, after price change the new cost of pens will be equal to $(x + 3) and cost of folders will be equal to $(y - 2). Now, since the income remains unchanged, the decisions will solely be based on the new costs of the items to be purchased. This is a factor of the Law of Demand. All other things - income & prices of other goods - are already determined to be equal or constant. In this case, I will purchase more of the good whose price has fallen and less of the good whose price has risen which would result in me buying more folders and lesser pens.

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