A __________ psychologist works in prisons, jails, and other settings to assess inmates and assist in rehabilitation.

A Forensic psychologist works in prisons, jails, and other settings to assess inmates and assist in rehabilitation.

What is psychologist?

  • A psychologist is a specialist in the field of psychology who investigates behavior as well as mental states, perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and social processes.
  • They frequently experiment with, observe, and interpret how people interact with one another and their surroundings as part of their work.
  • A psychology bachelor's degree is typically followed by a psychology master's or doctoral degree for psychologists.
  • Psychologists typically are not allowed to prescribe medication, unlike psychiatric doctors and psychiatric nurse practitioners.
  • Some psychologists with additional training may be able to do so, albeit the qualifications may be different from those for a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, depending on the jurisdiction.

Is a psychologist a physician?

  • Psychologists have completed at least six years of supervised academic training.
  • They might additionally possess a psychology master's or doctoral degree.
  • A psychologist may use the title "Dr." if they have a doctorate (PhD), but they are not medical doctors.

Learn more about psychologist here:



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