What is the position of the first element encountered in a binary search for the value 19?

Correct question is this What is the position of the first element encountered in a binary search for the value 19?

A sorted array can be searched using the binary search algorithm by continually halving the search interval.

Utilizing the knowledge that the array is sorted, binary search attempts to minimize the time complexity to O (Log n).Algorithm for Binary Search In order to execute a binary search, you must first: Start your search using the middle member in the entire array.

Return an index of the search key if the value of the search key equals the item. Alternately, if the search key's value is smaller than the item in the interval's midpoint, limit the interval to its lower half. If not, restrict it to the upper half. Check from the second point repeatedly.

binary Search (arr x low high)

till low = high mid = (low + high)/2, then repeat.

If x equals arr[mid],

midway back

if not, then x is on the right side if (x > arr[mid])

low = mid Plus one

else / The left side of x is present.

low = high - 1

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