A railway engine is of mass 72tonnes and 11m long. An exact scale model is made of it and is 44cm long. find the mass of the model​


it is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

2000 N

The resistance force acting is 1N per ton.

Tension in the coupling between engine and the wagon is 2000N.

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46 will be converted to .44m

x will be the mass of the 44 cm engine

x/72  =  .44^3/11^3

x/72 = 0.085/1331

cross multiply

1331x = 72 x 0.085

1331x = 6.12

x= 6.12/1331


x = 0.004598  tonnes

change to kilograms

0.004598*1000 = 4.6 kg

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