If someone could answer this and give me a detailed explanation with examples about the SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS, theorems I'd be forever grateful. I just cant seem to get the hang of it and I have fives skills about Proof of Triangle Congruence due tomorrow.

If someone could answer this and give me a

Based on the side-angle-side congruence theorem (SAS),

Missing statement is: ΔHIK ≅ ΔHJK

Missing reason is: SAS

What is the Side-Angle-Side Congruence Theorem (SAS)?

If there are two pairs of congruent sides and a pair of included corresponding congruent angles in two triangles, then based on the side-angle-side congruence theorem (SAS), the two triangles are congruent to each other.

The two triangles have the following:

Two pairs of congruent sides which are: HI ≅ HJ, and HK ≅ HK

One pair of included corresponding congruent angles which is: <IHK ≅ <JHK.

This means that both triangles are congruent triangles based on SAS.


Missing statement is: ΔHIK ≅ ΔHJK

Missing reason is: SAS

Learn more about SAS on:



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