When planning for a party one caterer recommends the amount or meat be at least 2 pounds less than 1/3 the total number of guests. which graph represents this scenario?​

When planning for a party one caterer recommends


Let x be the number of guest and y be the quantity of meat,

According to the question,

y\geq \frac{x}{3}-2

Since, the related equation of the above inequality,


Having x-intercept = (6,0),

y-intercept = (0,-2)

Also,'≥' shows the solid line,

Now, 0 ≥ 0/3 - 2  ( true )

Hence, the shaded region of above inequality will contain the origin,

Therefore, by the above information we can plot the graph of the inequality ( shown below ).

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Its the 4th graph.

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