Mrs merson is selling her car. Her reaserch shows that the car has a current value of 5500, which is 55% of the amount mrs merson paid on the caer. A buyer wants to know the price mrs ,erson paid dfor the car

Answer: The initial cost of the car was $10000

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = the initial cost of the car.

From her research , she realised that the car's current value is 5500

This is 55% of the amount that mrs merson paid on the car. This means that the current price of the car is 55 percent of x. It becomes

Current price of car = 5500 = 55/100×x

5500 = 0.55x

x = 5500/0.55

x = $10000

Since abuyer wants to know the price that Mrs Merson paid for the car, the price that he should be told is $10000. This shows that the price of the car reduced or fell.

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