Find the Area of the figure below, composed of a rectangle and a semicircle. Round to the nearest tenths place.

Find the Area of the figure below, composed of a

Area of the given figure composed of a rectangle and semicircle is 218.6 sq units.

What is the formula for area of a rectangle and a circle?

If for a rectangle if the length is L and breadth is B then its area will be :

Area of a rectangle = L * B

For a circle if the radius of the circle is r then area of the circle = \pi r^{2}

Area of semicircle = area of circle/2 = \frac{\pi r^{2} }{2}

For given figure composed of a rectangle and  a semicircle.

The length and breadth of the  rectangle part is 14 and 30 respectively

Then Area = L * B = 14 * 10 = 140 square units

From the figure the diameter of the semicircle part = breadth of  rectangle , Diameter  = 10

Radius of the semicircle =   diameter/ 2 = 10 /2 = 5

therefore area of the given semicircle part =  \frac{\pi 5^{2} }{2} = (44*25)/(7*2) =78.6

Area of the given figure = area of rectangle + area of semicircle = 78.6+140 =218 .6 square units

Therefore, Area of the figure composed of a rectangle and semicircle =218.6 sq units

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