The sum of three consecutive integers is 1254. What are the three integers?

The three integers are 417, 418 and 419


Let the first number = x

The three consecutive numbers: x, x+1, and x+2

The sum of three consecutive integers = 1254

x + x+1 + x+2 = 1254

Collect like terms:

3x + 3 = 1254

3x = 1254 -3

3x = 1251

Divide through by 3:

x = 1251/3

x = 417

The consecutive numbers:

First number = x = 417

Second number = x+1 = 417+1

Second number = 418

Third number = x+2 = 417+2

Third number = 419

The three integers are 417, 418 and 419

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