A manager wants to determine an appropriate learning percentage for processing insurance claims for storm damage. toward that end, times have been recorded for completion of each of the first six repetitions: repetition 1 2 3 4 5 6 time (minutes) 46 39 35 33 32 30 a. determine the approximate learning percentage

The approximate learning percentage is 85%.

Given data;

A manager wants to determine an appropriate learning percentage for processing insurance claims for storm damage. toward that end, times have been recorded for completion of each of the first six repetitions: repetition 1 2 3 4 5 6 times (minutes) 46 39 35 33 32 30.

To determine the approximate learning percentage,

30 = 46 * 6 ⇒ ln learning percent /ln 2

30/46 = 6 ⇒ ln learning percent /ln 2

ln(30/46) = ln 6 (ln learning percent /ln 2)

( ln(30/46) ) (ln 2) / (ln 6) = ln learning percent

e( ln(30/46) ) (ln 2) / (ln 6) = learning percent

Learning percent = 0.848

                             = 84.8% = 85%

85% of individuals are learning, roughly.

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