The right rectangular prism is filled with 1/3 foot unit cubes



Length = 4 units

Width = 3 units

Height = 3 units

The number of cubes in the prism is 36

The volume of the prism is 12 cubic feet


The dimension of the prism is:

Length = 4 units

Width = 3 units

Height = 3 units

The number of cubes in the prism is:

4 × 3 × 3 = 36

There are 36 cubes

The volume of the prism is:

V = lwh

Where l, w and h represent the length, width and height of the prism respectively.

Since the prism is filled with 1/3 foot unit cubes, we have

V = 1/3 (lwh)

lwh = 36 cubes

= 1/3 (36)

= 12 cubic feet

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