Suppose that 20 of the 25 townspeople decide that they will not help pay for street lamps, and will instead enjoy (for free) the street lamps built by the other five people. What is the maximum number of street lamps that will be built by the remaining five people?.

The number of street lamps is 5 by the remaining five people.

What is an expression?

The mathematical expression combines numerical variables and operations denoted by addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division signs.

Mathematical symbols can be used to represent numbers (constants), variables, operations, functions, brackets, punctuation, and grouping. They can also denote the logical syntax's operation order and other properties.

Given that suppose that 20 of the 25 townspeople decide that they will not help pay for street lamps, and will instead enjoy (for free) the street lamps built by the other five people.

The number of street lamps is,

Lamps = 25 - 20

Lamps = 5

Therefore, the number of street lamps is 5 for the remaining five people.

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The maximum number of street lamps that will be built by the remaining five people will be 0

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