NEEDED QUICKLY!?! How does Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. use argument techniques to achieve his purpose? ​



Dr. King's dream of equality has not been achieved in education. There is still a difference between the number of African Americans who receive high school diplomas and the number of whites who do. According to the US Census Bureau, in 2000, only 72 percent of African Americans had diplomas while about 83 percent of whites did. Even though some might say the difference between the two groups is not as big as it was in the 1960s, there is still a difference. Closer is not the same as equal. Because the groups do not have equal percentages, King's dream of equality has not actually been achieved.

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Martin Luther King was very talented in using all three tactics of argument Ethos Pathos and Logos in his speech this not only gave credibility and reason to his words but also a way to pull on the heart strings of many.

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