A ball bearing has been selected with the bore size specified in the catolog as 35.000 mm to 35.020 mm. Specify appropriate minimum and maximum shaft diameters to provide a locational interference fit


the minimum shaft diameter is 35.026 mm

the maximum shaft diameter is 35.042mm


Given data;

D-maximum = 35.020mm and d-minimum = 35.000mm

we have to go through Tables "Descriptions of preferred Fits using the Basic Hole System" so from the table, locational interference fits H7/p6

so From table, Selection of International Trade Grades metric series

the grade tolerance are;

ΔD = IT7(0.025 mm)

Δd = IT6(0.016 mm)

Also from Table "Fundamental Deviations for Shafts" metric series

Sf = 0.026



Dmax = d + Sf + Δd

we substitute

Dmax = 35 + 0.026 + 0.016

Dmax = 35.042 mm

therefore the maximum diameter of shaft is 35.042mm


Dmin = d + Sf

Dmin = 35 + 0.026

Dmin = 35.026 mm

therefore the minimum diameter of shaft is 35.026 mm

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