Project 12-2: Bird CounterHelp me make a Python program for birdwatchers that stores a list of birds along with a count of the

number of times each bird has been spotted.


Bird Counter program

Enter 'x' to exit

Enter name of bird: red-tailed hawk

Enter name of bird: killdeer

Enter name of bird: snowy plover

Enter name of bird: western gull

Enter name of bird: killdeer

Enter name of bird: western gull

Enter name of bird: x

Name Count

=============== ===============

Killdeer 2

Red-Tailed Hawk 1

Snowy Plover 1

Western Gull 2


 Use a dictionary to store the list of sighted birds and the count of the number of times

each bird was sighted.

 Use the pickle module to read the dictionary from a file when the program starts and

to write the dictionary to a file when the program ends. That way, the data that's

entered by the user isn't lost.

The program based on the information given is illustrated below.

How to illustrate the program?

It should be noted that a computer program is a set of instructions in a programming language for the computer to execute.

Based on the information, the program is illustrated thus:


import pickle

#function to read birds data

def readBirdsData():


birdsFile = open("birdsData","rb")

birdWatcher = pickle.load(birdsFile)


birdWatcher ={}

except EOFError:

birdWatcher ={}

return birdWatcher

#function to write the data into file using pickle

def writeBirdsData(birdWatcher):

if birdWatcher == {} :



birdsFile = open("birdsData","ab")



#function to display birds data in sorted order

def displayBirdsData(birdWatcher):



for key in sorted(birdWatcher.keys()):


#main function

def main():

birdWatcher = readBirdsData()

print("Bird Counter Program")

print ("\nEnter 'x' to exit\n")

name = input("Enter name of bird: ")

while True:

#break the loop if x is entered

if name == 'x':

#if the name exists in dictionary then increase the value

if the name in birdWatcher.keys():

birdWatcher[name] = birdWatcher[name] + 1


#dd it otherwise

birdWatcher[name] = 1

name = input("Enter name of bird: ")



#driver code

if __nam__ == '__main__':


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