A fast-food restaurant uses a conveyor belt to send the burgers through a grilling machine. if the grilling machine is 1.2 m long and the burgers require 2.7 min to cook, how fast must the conveyor belt travel?if the burgers are spaced 15 cm apart, what is the rate of burger production (in burgers/min)?

length of the grilling machine is 1.2 m

time taken to cook the burger is 2.7 min = 162 s

so the speed of the machine should be like this that if must have to cook till it cross the machine

v = \frac{d}{t}

v = \frac{1.2}{162}

v = 7.41* 10^{-3} m/s

now in one minute the total length of the machine that is covered is given by

L = v*t

L = 7.41*10^{-3}* 60 = 44.4 cm

now distance between the burgers is 15 cm

so total production rate will be

N = \frac{44.4}{15} = 3 burger/min

so it will produce 3 burger per minute

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