A private university is accepting applications for enrollment.Out 2000 applicants 950 meet the GPA requiremnets,600 volunteer for co mmunity service,and 250 both met the GPA requiremnts and volunteer.Which statemnet correctly describes the probbalitiy that an applicant meets the Gpa reqire,ets or volunteers?



"The Probability of an applicant either meeting GPA requirements or volunteering for community service is 0.65."

Step-by-step explanation:

Total applicants = 2000

applicants who meet GPA requirements = 950

volunteers = 600

applicants who get both = 250

P(A) = probability of Meeting GPA requirements = 950/2000 = 0.475

P(B) = probability of volunteering = 600/2000 = 0.3

P(A and B) = 250/2000 = 0.125

Finding the probability that an applicant either meet GPA requirements or volunteer:

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

P(A or B) = 0.475 + 0.3 - 0.125

P(A or B) =  0.65

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