Rudolph attends the Olympic Games in Rome. She wins three gold medals in track and field events, solidifying her reputation as one of the fastest women in the world. Rudolph is named Woman Athlete of the Year.Based on its use in the passage, it can be understood that the word solidifying belongs to which of the following word groups?


silencing, restraining, suppressing


strengthening, reinforcing, emphasizing


delaying, hindering, obstructing


succeeding, flourishing, thriving

B emphasizing could replace the word solidifying

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B - strengthening, reinforcing, emphasizing


It is answer B because when she won 3 gold medals it made her reputation more Reinforced, Strong, and emphasized. A would not work because when she won it wasn't silencing, restraining, suppressing her skills. C is not correct because when she won she wasn't delaying, hindering, or obstructing her success. D - while she was succeeding, flourishing, thriving the context used is more like she was already seen as very fast and this just reinforced this.

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