Match the underlined words in the excerpts from Stephen cranes the open boat to their correct contextual meanings ?

Match the underlined words in the excerpts from

I'm pretty sure it's this.

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Answer: The underlined words that match with their correct contextual meanings are:

Squatted -----> to crouch or sit with bent knees

Soothing ---- > to have a calming effect

Rearing ---> to get up or raise oneself

Scoured ---> to search or peer at thoroughly to locate something

Explanation: "The Open Boat" is a short story written by Stephen Crane and published in 1897. Moreover, the text focuses on a real-life experience of the author. "Squatted", "soothing",  "rearing" and "scoured" are all words that appear in this story. "Squatted" is the past participle of the verb "squat", which means to sit with one's knees bent, and "soothing" is an adjective used to refer to something that makes someone feel calmer and more relaxed. "Rearing" is the present participle of "rear", which means to rise up, while "scoured" is the past form of the verb "scour", whose meaning is to search a place or a thing in a very careful way.

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