Distinguish between the elements of modernism and postmodernism.World War II

the moon landings

early twentieth century


the Great Depression


World War I

Kurt Vonnegut

mid-twentieth century

Ernest Hemingway

World War II
the moon landings
early twentieth

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Modernism is the term used to refer to a philosophical movement that arose in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the elements that distinguish such movement are the reactions of horror to World War I, disillusioned literacy, with highlighted writers such as Ernest Hemingway
Besides the Great Depression which seems by some authors as one example of the failure caused by the progress and changes that took place in the early Modern.

On the other hand, Postmodernism refers to the movement that developed in the mid- to late 20th century, which marked a departure from modernism. Such movement was distiguished by  a satirical  literacy, non-fiction authors such as the novelist Kurt Vonnegut, the trauma caused by World War II
and Vietnan, as well as notable events for humanity like the moon landings.

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