Which excerpt from early Victorian tea set best describes MacGregor's viewpoint about tea?

The excerpt that expresses MacGregor’s viewpoint about tea is B. The drink which has become the worldwide caricature of Britishness has nothing indigenous about it.

What is a viewpoint?

  • "What could be less British than a cup of tea, given that tea is made from plants grown in India or China and often sweetened by sugar from the Caribbean."
  • The drink which has become the worldwide caricature of Britishness has nothing indigenous about it, but is the result of centuries of global trade and a complex imperial history.
  • The tea which was a very popular drink with the British did not originate from Britain. The tea was brought to Britain through international trade with other countries of the world. It should be noted that a viewpoint simply means the perspective of an author regarding a topic.
  • In this case, MacGregor’s viewpoint about tea is that the drink which has become the worldwide caricature of Britishness has nothing indigenous about it.

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