Î5- The Role of Language

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recognize how language choices are impacted by purpose and audien

in composition.


Avery is writing an email to her circle of friends, urging them to vote in the upcoming election.

Considering her audience and purpose, Avery should use which type of language in her email?

Avery here should use personal type of language to write a letter to her friends telling about the importance of voting

More about language:

There is only so much tone-setting punctuation can accomplish in writing. The actual language we employ then become the means through which we communicate our meaning to others.

There are other occasions when you need to speak to the reader in a way that goes beyond words. There are other tools we can make use of to add our voices and language to the composition as well.

A personal language is designed with the goal of being utilised, but only by one person in the null domain, that is, any linguistic acts that do not necessitate a comprehension collocutor.

Learn more about language here:



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