The head of the marketing department at cbs environmental, inc. supervises twelve people in her department. this represents her?

The head of the marketing department at cbs environmental, inc. supervises twelve people in her department. this represents her span of management.

What does the span of management mean?

  • The number of subordinates who directly answer to a boss or leader is referred to as the span of control (or span of management).
  • A manager's area of influence expands when there are more employees under their supervision.
  • The number of subordinates that a supervisor or manager in an organization can successfully and efficiently supervise is referred to as the span of control.
  • A manager with five direct reports, for instance, has a span of control of five.
  • Twelve employees work under the direction of the marketing department head at cbs environmental, inc. This illustrates her managerial experience.

To learn more about management, refer to the following link:


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